Class Summary |
Abstract Individual |
Amount of Matter |
AntiRigid Mixin |
AntiRigidSortal |
A universal U is anti-rigid if for every instance x of U, x is possibly (in the modal sense) not an instance of U. |
Category |
Characterization |
Collective |
Collective are Objects such that their parts exercise the same functional role on the whole. |
Collective Member |
Collective Universal |
A Collective Universal represents a substance sortal whose instances are collectives, i.e., they are collections of complexes that have a uniform structure. |
Complex |
Complex are Objects such that their instances can be composed of other Complex, since the parties exercise different roles on the whole. |
Complex Member |
Complex Quality |
Complex Quality Universal |
ComponentOf |
Concrete Individual |
Derivation |
Domain Formal Relation |
Endurant |
Endurants are said to be wholly present whenever they are present, i.e., they are in time, in the sense that if we say that in circumstance c1 an endurant e has a property P1 and in circumstance c2 the property P2 (possibly incompatible with P1), it is the very same endurant e that we refer to in each of these situations. |
Endurant Universal |
Formal Relation |
Individual |
Individuals are entities that exist instantiating a number of universals and possessing a unique identity. |
Internal Relation |
Intrinsic Moment |
Intrinsic Moment Universal |
Kind |
A Kind represents a substance sortal whose instances are functional complexes. |
Material Relation |
Mediation |
Member |
MemberOf |
Meronymic |
Mixin |
Mixin Universal |
Mode |
Mode Universal |
Moment |
Moment denotes what is sometimes named a trope, or an individualized (objectified) property or property in particular. |
Moment Universal |
Monadic Universal |
NonRigid Mixin |
NonSortal Universal |
Object |
Phase |
A Phase represents the phased-sortals phase, i.e. anti-rigid and relationally independent universals defined as part of a partition of a substance sortal. |
Phased QuaIndividual |
Proposition |
Proposition is an abstract representation of a class of situations referred by a intentional moment. |
QuaIndividual |
Set of the intrinsic properties of the role. |
Quale |
Quales are perceptions or conceptions of an intrinsic moment that can be represented as a point in a quality structure. |
Quality |
Quality Dimension |
Quality Domain |
Quality Structure |
An attempt to model the relation between intrinsic moments and their representation
in human cognitive structures is presented in the theory of conceptual spaces. |
Quality Universal |
Quantity |
Quantity are Objects that group individuals who are portions of a maximal amount of matter. |
Quantity Universal |
Relational QuaIndividual |
Relation Universal |
Relator |
Relator Universal |
Rigid Mixin |
Rigid Sortal |
A universal U is rigid if for every instance x of U, x is necessarily (in the modal sense) an instance of U. |
Role |
A Role represents a phased-sortal role, i.e. anti-rigid and relationally dependent universal. |
Role Mixin |
SemiRigid Mixin |
Set |
Simple Quality |
Simple Quality Universal |
Situation |
Situations are special types of endurants. |
Sortal Universal |
SubCollectionOf |
Subkind |
A Subkind is a rigid, relationally independent restriction of a substance sortal that carries the principle of identity supplied by it. |
SubQuantityOf |
Substance Sortal |
Substantial |
Substantial are existentially independent particulars. |
Substantial Moment |
Substantial Universal |
Thing |
Universal |
Universals are predicative terms that can possibly be applied to a multitude of individuals, capturing the general aspects of such individuals. |