Actions are intentional events, i.e., Events with the specific purpose of satisfying (the propositional content of) some Intention of an Agent (In this sense, an Action can be said to be caused by the Intention).
A resource participation of r in a is a change iff there is at least a moment m such that ((m inheres in r in s1 and m does not inhere in r in s2) OR (m does not inhere in r in s1 and m inheres in r in s2)) and (there is at least one action contribution ac that is also part of a and such that s2 satisfies the propositional content of ac);
A resource participation of r in ac is a creation iff (r is not present in s1) and (r is present in s2) and (there is at least one action contribution ac that is also part of a and such that s2 satisfies the propositional content of ac);
Intentions are desired state of affairs for which the agent commits at pursuing (an intention is an internal commitment) (e.g., the Intention of going to a beach resort for the next summer break).
Intention Moment (Intentionality) should be understood in a much broader context than the notion of “intending something”, but as the capacity of some properties of certain individuals to refer to possible situations of reality.
A Normative Description defines one or more rules/norms recognized by at least one Social Agent and that can define Nominal Universals such as Social Moment Universals (e.g., social commitment types), Social Objects (the crown of the king of Spain) and Social Roles such as president, prime minister, PhD candidate or pedestrian.
Social Moments are types of intentional moments that are created by the exchange of communicative acts and the consequences of these exchanges (e.g., goal adoption, delegation).
A resource participation of r in a is a termination iff (r is present in s1) and (r is not present in s2) and (there is at least one action contribution ac that is also part of a and such that s2 satisfies the propositional content of ac);